
Tuesday, June 16, 2020

My mindfulness place

In my classroom we have been imagine where our mindfulness place is. I have been doing this activity from the 4 of June to Wed 17 of June. Here is my activity.


My mindfulness place is where I can get to think outside the box, having a soothingly undisturbed  time, hear what I hear, smell, feel, see, and what my feelings are.

 In my mindfulness place I can  hear birds chirping above my head, trying to gossip to other creatures in the forest. 

Standing quietly I can hear the run of smooth wind wiping a small frown off my face.

I could make out the sound of my breathing going in and out soothingly. It feels worrying to hear my breathing because usually it means I'm stressed.  

 I unexpectedly hear an alarmingly  loud BANG! The bang sounds like a herd of buffalos running down a hill, from a pack of Hyenas. 

Lastly, I hear it all stop and peacefully go back to the peaceful forest it used to be.


I said to myself, this is what I feel in my mindfulness place. 

I can feel the enjoyable, cosy breeze of wind wipe a frown off of my face.

I feel my hair soothingly blowing my hair around, like a rollercoaster going up down , up down. 

I enjoy the feel of my feet touching the soothingly soft grass below my feet.

I can lastly feel my body is all relaxing like a chair that has never been used.


In my meditation place I can smell cow pats from a distance.

I then smell the fresh air circling my surrounding like a tornado.

I accidentally smell my own CHEESE breath drifting around, my face like a raft in the sea.

I can lastly smell the tree stump that is creating a new life. I can smell this because I am focused. I become one with the forest.


In my meditation place I can see clouds moving as slow as a 123 year old snail.

As I look up, I can see birds flying around, as if they are trying to stamp or trying to pummel a tree.

My eyes unexpectedly look at my feet. I then look at the cow patty stuck in between my toes.

I lastly look at my reflection at the nearby pond.  As I gaze upon my reflection I relax and fall into a deep sleep.

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