
Tuesday, June 25, 2019

Davids Awnsers

1 Saul was the - Saul was the king of biblical.
2 God worked through in mysterious ways.
3 God chose one of the of Jesse sons.
4 God sent Samuel to  anoint a knew king.
5 Samuel took his horn 
6 God reminded Samuel that the most important thing about a person is what is in his/her heart.
7 David worked as a- Shepherd.
8 God chose David to be king from his seven older- Brothers.
9 Samuel anointed David with oil.

10 When David was anointed to be king the holy spirit touched him.

Wednesday, June 19, 2019

Knots on a counting rope

Knots on A Counting Rope:

After Reading Activities.

Metaphor: a figure of speech in which a word or phrase is used to make a comparison between two
things that aren’t alike but do have something in common.
  1. List the characters in the story and give a brief description about each character.

2. List what you think the themes are in the story and give an example.

Example of when you saw this theme in the story
Love your elders, and your parents
I have hope I will live strong
When your strong enough to do what is right
Native American
Overcoming a disability
The grandfather used the knots so he knows how many times the grand father red the story

• List any unfamiliar words and find their meaning. Native, Boy strength of blue horses
• Make I wonder statements: I wonder why….He was sick when he was born

4. Discuss why the Boy’s Grandfather was special to him.

Because the grand father is always looking after him and telling him storys about the past

looking after our school family

Sunday, June 16, 2019

New blog profile

Miss Collins helped us create a new profile

I had to introduce yourself, share some information about you e.g. name, school, culture and family. You had to get pictures that had four colours no more then four. We had share in formation about our selves e.g so tell them what hate doing or what you love doing, like me I said I love going on different adventures with my family