
Tuesday, June 30, 2020

Amihuti's end of the term reflection

Today in class I did a end of the term reflection. It asked me questions
about my attitude and that. Here is what I wrote 

Q: What is your goal for the year

Wednesday, June 24, 2020

Big fierce lion hearten cats.

Today in class I finally finished my animal report. The animal I wrote about was lion. However since I found out there was something called a liger(lion and tiger) and a zonkey( donkey and zebra)
it made me change my mind. Here is my activity.

Q- What other animals that are combined together?
Q- Whats your favourite animal( it could be a reptile
sea animal, or even a mammal like I did. 

Tuesday, June 23, 2020

Matariki 7 stars

Matariki is the Maori name for the seven stars also known as the Seven Sisters. Matariki is a short way of saying Ngā mata o te ariki o Tāwhirimātea, or 'the eyes of the god Tāwhirimātea', Matariki is sometimes called 'little eyes'. Matariki is the start of a new for Maori tradition. However it is also a celebration that- crops have been harvested, seafood and birds have been collected. 

The legend of Tawhirimatea and the separation of his gods. 

Long ago in the misty dark times there was two gods that loved each other 

so much, their names were Ranginui- Father of sky and Papatuanuku- Mother of earth. 

What they did not realise was that their 12 sons were stuck in between the both of them.

One day Tane-nui-a-Rangi was so murderously anxious at his parents so he irritatedly. Separated

His parents. Tawhirimatea- E te Atua hau- God of wind downheartedly started to cry.

Tawhirimatea- E te Atua hau- God of wind angrily threw his tears into the heavens above.

However his tears turned into stars. 7 of the stars became sisters and sat on the shoulders of a bull.( 6 of them

Were sister the most gleaming one Matariki is said to be the mother.

When is Matariki?

Matariki rises in mid-winter and for many Māori, it is the start of a new year. 

In Aotearoa New Zealand it comes into view low on the north-eastern horizon. 

It appears in the tail o

f the Milky Way in the last days of 

May or in early June, just before dawn. According to the Maramataka 

(the Māori lunar calendar), 

the reappearance of Matariki, 

brings the old lunar year to a close and marks the beginning of the new year.\


Papatuanuku- Mother of the Earth

Ranginui- Father of the sky

Tawhirimatea- God of wind

Monday, June 22, 2020

(Almost done) Sister Margaret Mary Biography

Today in class we touched up on our Sister Margaret Mary Biography. 
 Today I wrote about Sister Margaret's early life. Here is my activity.

Q: Who is sister Margaret Mary.
If you have time you could maybe do a biography on your St? Or if you are not from a catholic
school then do a biography about that. 

Tuesday, June 16, 2020

Big lion hearten cats.

Today in class my teacher checked my research on lions. Here is my activity.

My mindfulness place

In my classroom we have been imagine where our mindfulness place is. I have been doing this activity from the 4 of June to Wed 17 of June. Here is my activity.


My mindfulness place is where I can get to think outside the box, having a soothingly undisturbed  time, hear what I hear, smell, feel, see, and what my feelings are.

 In my mindfulness place I can  hear birds chirping above my head, trying to gossip to other creatures in the forest. 

Standing quietly I can hear the run of smooth wind wiping a small frown off my face.

I could make out the sound of my breathing going in and out soothingly. It feels worrying to hear my breathing because usually it means I'm stressed.  

 I unexpectedly hear an alarmingly  loud BANG! The bang sounds like a herd of buffalos running down a hill, from a pack of Hyenas. 

Lastly, I hear it all stop and peacefully go back to the peaceful forest it used to be.


I said to myself, this is what I feel in my mindfulness place. 

I can feel the enjoyable, cosy breeze of wind wipe a frown off of my face.

I feel my hair soothingly blowing my hair around, like a rollercoaster going up down , up down. 

I enjoy the feel of my feet touching the soothingly soft grass below my feet.

I can lastly feel my body is all relaxing like a chair that has never been used.


In my meditation place I can smell cow pats from a distance.

I then smell the fresh air circling my surrounding like a tornado.

I accidentally smell my own CHEESE breath drifting around, my face like a raft in the sea.

I can lastly smell the tree stump that is creating a new life. I can smell this because I am focused. I become one with the forest.


In my meditation place I can see clouds moving as slow as a 123 year old snail.

As I look up, I can see birds flying around, as if they are trying to stamp or trying to pummel a tree.

My eyes unexpectedly look at my feet. I then look at the cow patty stuck in between my toes.

I lastly look at my reflection at the nearby pond.  As I gaze upon my reflection I relax and fall into a deep sleep.

Andy Wharhol

Today in class we did an other Andy Warhol activity. I firstly pasted out 6 pictures of my self and outlined it with a black vivid. I then got some pastels and coloured the inside of my picture.

Here is a picture of my Andy Warhol Creation.


Charlie Bone Chapter 5

  1. Charlie's uncle Payton was a yew beam. Charlie asked his uncle” When did you now…like you know... when did you know you could make lights. Uncle payton is tall and very...well narrow.

  2. Charlie's best friend is Benjamin. Same age as Charlie and a little bit shy.

  3. Mrs Inggledew gave Charlie all the keys and said” Take these and try one each day until you find the right one!.

Today in class I read an audio about Charlie bone Chapter 5. Here is my activity.

Strategy work

Monday, June 15, 2020

The feast of the Sacred heart of Jesus

Today in class we learned about the Sacred heart of Jesus. I learned that Jesus made the 12 promises through St Margret Mary. Here is my Activity.

The feast of the sacred heart of Jesus symbolises the heart of Jesus. The feast of the Sacred Heart, of Jesus originates from Roman nun. In St  Margaret Mary’s visions Jesus was talking to her, and made the promises through her. Jesus made 12 promises that he said that he will provide or help us with. In my school we celebrate the feast, of the sacred heart of Jesus. By going to church and harmonising praising  Jesus and reading the word of the lord. St  Margaret Mary was born 22 July 1647. St Margaret Mary died 17 October 1690.
Report: Jesus definitely did cocaine | The Daily Cardinal

Sunday, June 14, 2020

Science Experimant

Today in class we did an experiment. We had to write down what our predictions for the experiment would
be. Here is what I wrote.