
Sunday, May 3, 2020

My favourite fruit

My favourite fruit is a Pineapple Fact: Pineapples contain something called bromelain.
Pineapples are
  1. Juicy
  2. Yellow/brownish,green leaves on top.
  3. Spikey
  4. Sweet/ sourish
  5. Heavy 
  6. It is the size of  a human head.
  7. Pineapples are grown everywhere around the world.
  8. Pineapples have a very unique feeling that makes it yum (=. It feels like
  9. Pineapples are kind of hairy I can tell because when I bite it, my lips feel furry
  10. Pineapples are a tropical fruit.

A pineapple is the most amazing fruit in the world because it helps me concentrate
on something that is really hard. My fruit is something different to other fruits because,
when you eat it you feel this tinkle in your mouth. Pineapples is a tropical fruit from
all around the world. Pineapples are an edible yellow fleshed fruit. That is what my
favourite fruit is.

What is yours?

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