
Sunday, April 19, 2020

The walk to Emmaus

Here is pictures retelling the scene

On the same day that Jesus rose from the dead, two of Jesus’s disciples were on there way to a village called Emmaus.  It was about seven miles from Jerusalem. Two of the disciples were talking about all the things, that has happened through their journey. As the two disciples were to busy talking, Jesus came near and walked beside them, they saw him but somehow they did not recognize him. Jesus asked them,’’what are you men talking about. Frozen with sad wsining faces one of the men named cleopas asked him’’are you the only visitor in Jerusalem who doesn’t know any bad things that has happened in the last three days,’’ what!’’. The terrible things that had happened to Jesus of nazareth, they questioned Jesus,’’ this man was a prophet and people believe he is powerful in everything he says and does. Our Chief and Rulers Handed him over and lead him to death, they crucified him. The two men and the other disciples hoped that he would set israel free!, It’s now the third day ever since. Two of our women went to check his tomb at dawn and found his body was gone. They heard they met an angel he told them that Jesus has risen, we were so surprised that two of our men went to check for themselves, they found the same thing the two women saw?. Jesus told them how foolish you are, how foolish to slowly understand what the prophets said in the old testament. Jesus told them what was written about him in the old testament.  As they came near the village Jesus acted like he was going farther but the two men held him back and asked him if he could stay with them. He agreed because it was dark .When they got in there house Jesus prayed took bread, broke it and then handed it to the two men. Both of the
men's eyes wided and were surprised they realised they were talking to jesus the whole time, when they turned to look at him he vanished in dust.


  1. hi huit i like how you made the picture, in to the story and how you, let them talk it look fun. Maybe do the font a little bit bigger great job.

  2. Hi Amihuti. I like how you made your three pictures from Storyboard Online and your sentences are really good.

  3. Hi amihuti. I like the way you wrote and you have showed us some good Information
