
Tuesday, January 7, 2020

Activity 2: When the Rubber Hits the Road
The Amazon rain forest is the largest tropical rain forest in the world. It is in South America.
Sadly, some are cutting down trees without permission. People like Marina Silva, are fighting back to try to stop the logging. Her family must be very proud of her because she is fighting to protect the Amazon rain forest.

1 comment:

  1. Hi Amihuti, my name is Naomi at The University of Auckland and I enjoyed reading your thoughtful blog post on the Amazon. Much closer to home, have you heard about what's happening across the Tasman with the Australian bushfires? Like Marina Silva, volunteer firefighters from New Zealand and California are travelling to help to fight the fires. I would be interested to know what you think can be done to prevent such extreme bushfires in Australia. Keep up the great work on the Summer Learning Journey blogging and commenting!
