
Friday, November 1, 2019

Parihaka Amihuti

Who founded parihaka? The village was founded about 1866
by Maori chiefs Te Whiti o Rongomai and Tohu Kākahi on land seized by the
government during the post-New Zealand Wars land confiscations of the 1860s.

What does parihaka mean? Parihaka was a Māori settlement in Taranaki in the 1860's
when New Zealand was a British colony, and land was being divided up and given to
European settlers.

Why is parihaka important to new zealand?The Invasion of Parihaka was contributed
to by a number of causes such as pressure on the government, by European settlers,

Waitangi Tribunal allowed for Maori to move on and to accept what had happened in
the past.

When was parihaka invaded?About 1600 government troops invaded the western
Taranaki settlement of Parihaka, which had come to symbolise peaceful resistance
to the confiscation of Māori land. Founded in the mid-1860s.

Where did parihaka take place?Located seven kilometres inland from the coast near
Pungarehu, Parihaka is a small Taranaki settlement with a big history. The events that
took place in and around the area, particularly between 1860 and 1900, have affected the
political, cultural and spiritual dynamics of the entire country.

How did parihaka start? The Parihaka settlement was founded about 1866, at the close of the Second Taranaki War and a year after almost all Māori land in Taranaki had been confiscated by the Government to punish "rebel" Māori.

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