Today for R.E I learned to Identify and understand the changes in the season and the church during the time of Advent. Here is my activity.
I am a year 7 student in the Te Wairua Pakiki 6Learning Space at St. Pius X Catholic School in Auckland, New Zealand. My teachers are Miss Nees-Kairua and Mrs Tui.
Monday, November 29, 2021
Sunday, November 28, 2021
Amihuti- Advent 2021
Tuesday, November 23, 2021
Amihut - Novel Studys
Tuesday, November 16, 2021
Food Tech- Kitchen Hazards
Monday, November 1, 2021
R.E lockdown 2021 Term4
For R.E I wrote who is Holyt to me and why through the form of a letter and prayer.
Here is what I did for R.E
Monday, October 25, 2021
Amihuti - R.E Lockdown.
Today for R.E I have written who is holy to me, and why. Hope you enjoy
Who is Holy to you?
I think of my grandma as Holy because…
She always speaks with love and care to brighten everyones day.
Even though she is getting older her faith in God grows everyday.
My grandma goes to church every Sunday to show her faith and how she believes in God.
Wednesday, October 20, 2021
Amihuti Term 3 Lockdown Holidays 2021
Here is a piece of writing talking about something I didin the Holidays. Hope you Enjoy!
Comment in the comments what you have done durig the holidays,
maybe you cooked dinner or went for a walk. =)
In the Term 3 holidays I didn’t expect to do that much and I was right. I stayed home, helped around the house, played with my siblings, then had some game time for myself. I woke up one morning and went to the Pt England beach with my older brother to look for my little sister's sandals and I doubted that we were going to find it. Once at the beach I waited for a while for people to leave because it was packed!After a while no one was leaving and instead more and more people were coming to the beach so I just went and started digging for the sandals. I remember that I mostly dug with my shoes so that I didn’t get sand in my nails.
About 20 minutes later my brother came down to help me and I just started laughing because up on some rocks were the two pairs of slippers that my little sisters lost just sitting there. My older brother tried to convince me he found it but we both knew that he didn't. We went home and I was holding the slippers but when we were about 1 minute away from home my brother told me to give him the slippers ,and I did but then when we reached home I realised that he wanted the slippers to make it look like he did everything (which he didn’t) I started laughing in my head and after that day I had a nice long and relaxing Holiday.
That is what I did on my Holidays.
Monday, October 18, 2021
Jesus Time lIne
Sunday, October 17, 2021
Today I compleed Prototec level 7.
Thing I need to achieve an higher percent is to concentrate onthe question and not what noise is around mme
Tuesday, September 28, 2021
Cathlic Schools Day 2021
Today my school had an liturgy as an reminder for Catholic School Day. I had a part in the liturgy reading the gospel of luke. In this Gospel it talks about not inviting ur rich neighbours or friends to a party of yours, but to invite the poor. the crippled, the lame and the blind. You may not get paid back from them , but God will reward you when his people ride from death. My school was supposed to celevrate Catholic School Day with Sain Michaels, and Saint Ignaseuos school's but due to lockdown we had to do it virtualy. That is what I did for catholic school day.
Thursday, September 23, 2021
Virtual Assembaly Certificate.
Today(Friday 24th September) for assembaly I recieved a virtual award for attedance in google meet I felt proud of myself and I ovbiously straight away went and told my mum. We carried on with the assembaly but I felt happier than ever for getting that award.
Here is a picture of my virtual ceritificate.
Sunday, September 19, 2021
Amihuti- Flanders Fields Poem
Friday, September 17, 2021
Amihuti- Maths Strategy
Thursday, September 16, 2021
Amihuti- My Whakatauki for Maori language week.
Thursday, September 9, 2021
Happy Fathers Day
Tongan Language week
Wednesday, September 8, 2021
Amihuti- Jonah Lomu Tongan hero
Amihuti- Tech Infographic
Tuesday, September 7, 2021
Food Tech
Thursday, September 2, 2021
Amihuti-Character Study- Fantastic Mr Fox
One of our activities is to do a character study.
The character study is learning about the character in the story and how the author portrays them with words and actions in the story.
I studied Mr Fox who is the main character in this story.
I also wrote some questions that I will ask him if I meet him in real life.
Caronavirus Story
Today I will be linking my wrok that I did for my writing activity.
Click Here to see my writing.
Sunday, August 29, 2021
Studdy Character: Boggis
Monday, August 23, 2021
Jacinda Adern Thank You letter.
Sunday, August 22, 2021
CyberSmart Challenge 13
Today I completed CyberSmart Challenge 13, this time we made a google draw Digital footprint of what sites I have been on in the past 24 hours.
Cybersmart activity 12
Today I completed CyberSmart challenge 12. It is abut what I should post pubicly(like now) and what I shouldn't post online, like my home address or my last and full name. Here is my activity.
Sunday, August 15, 2021
Kava Kava plant presentation.
On Friday 12th of August St Pius X had a whole school assembaly and Twp 6 and Twp4 had presented our works on the plants that we researched on and found infrormation to create a presentation. Befrore the presentation I was ovbiously nervous about presenting but I soon calmed myself saying that even if my group and I made a mistake, it would finish anyway and a new day would come. Our special visitor was Doctor Yhane from G.I Primary school, and not long after we were up in the front of the Whole school and presenting our video about the KavaKava pacific plant.
Below is a picture and video of My group and I's presentation.
Wednesday, August 4, 2021
Cybersmart challenge 11.
Tuesday, August 3, 2021
Traditional prayer Our Father.
Thursday, July 1, 2021
Amihuti: Book Review.
Thursday, June 17, 2021
Amihuti- Plants in the pacific: Coconut
Amihuti- Follow up on my reading.
WALT: Read to find information.
This book(Batman Adventures Night wing) is by far one of the best books I have read.
To know more about why it is the best book read my work at the top. This is my activity.=)
Tuesday, June 8, 2021
Amihuti- Deeper thinking 2021 Term 2.
Thursday, June 3, 2021
Tuesday, June 1, 2021
Wednesday, May 26, 2021
Amihuti, Aniseko, Puna- New Zealand native tree.
We are learning about New Zealand Native trees. This is important because we need to learn about how to help our environment in our home country. My group decided to explore and learn more about the kawakawa tree.
This is our initial finding about our tree.
Site where I got information-Click Here
Monday, May 24, 2021
Amihuti - What Tree?

This Term TWP whanau will be focusing on learning about amazing plants. I have learned a lot of facts of native and other plants of New Zealand. One thing I learned was that plants dont choose if they want to adapt to their surrounding or not they actually, find away to live in their surrounding area. Look below to see what I know about plants.
Sunday, May 23, 2021
Inquiry. Learning about plants.
Pentecost .
Thursday, May 20, 2021
Tahuna torea Diorama
Tuesday, May 18, 2021
Follow up on this week.
This week Twp whanau have been creating and working on a diagrama. This diagrama i going to be about our experience at Tahuna Torea reserve through a diagrama art. We were been split into our whanau groups I am in St Christopher group and I've got to say...We actually might have the best one in the whole of , Te wairua pakiki whanau(wink). That is all but its not over yet to find out more just check my blog.
Sunday, May 16, 2021
Thursday, May 13, 2021
Wednesday, May 12, 2021
Tahuna torea: Spit walk.
Thursday, May 6, 2021
Wednesday, May 5, 2021
Plants term 2 2021.
Tuesday, April 13, 2021
Monday, April 12, 2021
Easter Sunday the Resurrection of Christ

Cyber smart challenge 6
Cybersmart challenge 5.
Sunday, April 11, 2021
Thursday, April 8, 2021
I can read analogue time.
Analogue time Clock face.
Wednesday, April 7, 2021
Cypersmart challenge 5!
Today for Cybersmart challenge 5 I had to take a picture of something, I had created and post on my blog here is my activity.
Wednesday, March 31, 2021
Jesus's Journey
Holy week starts on Palm Sunday, it is a very special week for us here at St Pius X Catholic School. This Holy week is not intended to simply be a walk down memory lane with our heads. Rather it is an invitation to become engaged in Jesus' journey and to make connections with our own journey in our hearts, minds and soul. How are we to live and to face our challenges as Jesus faced his?
Let us walk through his journey, and ask him to help us with our journey in life.
Station 3 : Last supper - The EUCHARIST
Station 3 is one of the most important journeys of Jesus’s, the last day on earth. This station is about when Jesus has his last supper with his friends. Jesus took a loaf of bread, broke it and said’’ Here is my body Take it and eat it’’ He took wine and said ‘’Take this and drink it, it is my blood which will be shared out for you’’.
Station 4 : Garden of Gethsemane
.After Jesus ate his last supper Jesus took his disciples to the garden of Gethsemane and prayed to God. He told Peter, James and John to keep watch. We remember Holy week because it is Jesus’s last week of being a human and on earth.
Sunday, March 28, 2021
Journey of Jesus's last week as being, human and on earth.
Monday, March 22, 2021
Wednesday, March 17, 2021
Wednesday, March 10, 2021
School Public Facility.
Glen Innes School Facility
St Pius X School is an important community facility in Glen Innes. Today I will explain what and why school facilities are important.. School is important because it is a place where you go to share Ideas with your classmates and expand on the ideas you have.
Firstly, School is an important community facility for every kid around the world. At St Pius X School we learn how to be Responsible, Integrity, Sensible and a whole lot more.
Secondly, Public education teaches us how to collaberate with one another. One of the main reasons why we go to school is to learn how to be and grow up, to be mature and gain experience on things you don't know.
Lastly, School/College is a place where you go to decide on what kind of future you want to have. E.g Builder, Doctor or maybe a Business owner.
These are the reasons why school is an Important public, FACILITY.
Monday, March 8, 2021
Star Test Reflection.
Today My class and I had a star test. I am going to write what was good and bad when doing the test.
I think that what I did good in this test was I minded my own business and thought, about the questions and read it properly first. I did struggle on a whole lot of questions but kept going on.
What I didn't do good was I was always getting distracted and playing with my pencil and taking my time, searching and looking for all the correct answers.
Sunday, March 7, 2021
Life is important because...
Life is Important Because…
Some people of the world are not grateful to be given a chance to be born. In this writing I will write about why life is important…
Firstly,us humans who live in this world do not live very long. Some people
take life for Granted and don't care about their health, or others. God made us to live in this world but living in it would also mean, you would have to take care of the place you are living in. Did you know that kids my age and over had started a career. You might be thinking’’ Ooh I want to start a awesome career that will help me earn a lot of money’’ right. WRONG! In life there is a reason you have until highschool to really start thinking about your future.
Secondly, is there a time that you think that other people make you special? Well let me tell you something, NO ONE and I mean NO ONE can make YOU special. Who you are is what makes you special. If you have trouble finding a friend then look for one that doesn't care if you're poor or rich, how much you weigh, what you look like, if your house is a mess and even if you have a family of CRAZY people.
Lastly, Love your family. I will love my family no matter what, even
though I have annoying siblings they will not always be here for me, especially
my parents. So if you ever feel like you hate your siblings or your parents,
remember that you have to make the most of their time here with you.
I hope this writing has inspired you to never throw your life away, and use it to your fulist potential.
Today I made my siblings and I lunch.
Lunch- Sausage with chicken nuggets.
Here is the pictures of my lunch.