I am a year 7 student in the Te Wairua Pakiki 6Learning Space at St. Pius X Catholic School in Auckland, New Zealand. My teachers are Miss Nees-Kairua and Mrs Tui.
Tuesday, October 27, 2020
Maths 2020
Monday, October 26, 2020
Long weekends
On Monday morning I was awakened by the sound of loud but soothing music. I got out of bed and realised that everyone in the house was up and going. I asked my older brother Sateki what's going on. He said that it was our sister's 18th birthday. I was surprised, then my mum called me and told me to get changed so I did while doing so I was eavesdropping and heard that it was also her dads birthday too. What made me cry was the fact her dad was not there to celebrate the time with her because he sadly passed away. We still wanted to celebrate it so we went to the cemetery and my siblings and I performed a heart warming song for him. We said our goodbyes and went to my house to celebrate my sisters birthday.
My mum and dad went to buy some food while my brothers and I set up a tent and tables for the food. By the time we finished my mum and dad were back with a lot of alcohol and 10 bags of a family pack of KFC. My mum was tired of waiting so told all of the kids to come and eat. I ate to my hearts content and when finished I was very very full. I asked if my cousins and I could go to the park so we did for about 30 minutes and came back to us playing games on our parents phones. I had a shower from all of the craziness and got ready to go to sleep for school. I got in bed, got all warm and cosy and then everyone outside started singing. I knew they were drunk because someone smashed all the bottles and tables outside. I finally got some sleep and woke up refreshed but still TIRED.
Today in class I was working on fractions. If you do not know yet fractions is something that you can divide into equal parts. I am learning how to use and understand fractions. I also learned how simplify fractions. To simplify a fraction you have to find a number to divide evenly among you friend and you.
Here is a game about fractions ad many other. Math playground
Thursday, October 22, 2020
Road safety
Wednesday, October 21, 2020
Recount writing
Today my class and I had to write about a time where we were with our friends. Here is my activity.
Amihuti Recount Writing Term 4 22nd October 2020
During the Christmas holidays on a Saturday morning I was awakened by a glimmer of sunlight that shone through the darkness. I remember words muddled up in my head because of how tired I was, I walked around the house to see if anyone was awake and as usual no one was. I quickly did what I had to do and watched a little bit of TV and then had a little sleep.
After 2hours of sleep I woke up to my brother's voice. I was so tired, I got out of bed and had a nice warm pie(ignoring my brother's words) the words… ran around in my head for a little while after I finished eating. I had all my energy and went to ask my brother what he said he told me and I immediately told him yes so I packed my clothes and left.
Later On when we arrived at my friend's house they greeted me and let me in. I went to the living room and watched at least 3 or 4 scary movies and went to sleep again. I woke up and saw my friends playing on their x box one so I walked over to them, I watched them build an infinite building. 2 Long Hours passed by and they finally finished. I got to play but I didn't know how to build fancy buildings like them so I just played NBA. I was called to eat but I felt dizzy so I skipped and went to sleep.
I woke up feeling 90% better so my friends and I went to a nearby park and played for about 4 hours and went back to their house and each of us had a long shower. I finished changing and my cousin said to me “ hey do you want to go and play some you know games” I told him I feel tired but I could play for 1 hour or so. After playing games I went to the kitchen and ate some fried chicken and fries. I went to sleep because I still had at least 2 more weeks to sleep over.
THE END… not really(if you were wondering which room I slept in… I was really close to their nana so I would sleep in the spare bed in her room).
THE End.
Monday, October 19, 2020
Maths(Tables Torture)
Today for my maths starter I completed a tables torture activity. In this activity I set up my own difficulty,(Up to difficulty 3) and then I generated my own grid for my tables torture activity. I have to be quick and had to get my fingers typing because I was also racing/challenging against a timer. Once i was finished I marked my work and then wrote a blog about it. One goal for this activity for me is to make sure that am re checking my work and slowing down. My time was 2 minutes and 23 seconds.
Here is a picture of my activity.

Wednesday, October 14, 2020
What my school did today for practise.
Today my school took part in a shakeout drill. At 9am a bell rang which alerted us to drop cover and hold. We stayed under the tables for 1 minute and when finished lined up getting ready to go outside. We did the usual role and the went back to class and carried on with our work.
Tuesday, October 13, 2020
Percentages, Fractions and decimals.
WALT- Learn different types of percentages.
Today in class we learnt about percentages, fractions and decimals. Did you know that in the word percent cent means 100 or hundredths. You can compare percentages with amount of numbers e.g my phone is 50%. To turn a fraction into a decimal or a % because percentages are made out of hundredths you need to make sure that your decimals are also in the hundredths coloum.
Monday, October 12, 2020
Narrative writing- Old history
Creative Writing
Monday 10th October 2020
Today in class I have wrote a story about me being a mirror who has been stuck under water for 251 years. I am a mirror who belonged to a very handsome but young toa. One day young toa was down at the beach and doing a haka when suddenly there was a loud bang he fell, to the floor and I mistakenly fell out. My class did this for our inquiry topic and so we can learn old history. Here is my story...
It was just an ordinary day in the world of darkness (or what you humans call bags). I suddenly saw a beam of light shine through the darkness and a humanoid figure pulled me out. He had pale white skin and had granny like hair. I was given to a brown handsome figure when I saw him. I thought of him as my brother because of how handsome we both looked. He was always moving and sometimes I would get squished but didn't mind because I felt warm. One day the air smelled……. Saltay .. saltly….. Aarrgghh huh? Aww salty air which was new because I was used to smelling nothing inside the dark… bag.
I heard him talking with different people which I was scared of just in case you know...I get passed on to some fat ugly figure who will look at me every MINUTE!. All of a sudden I heard a man call out something but I didn’t really hear anything. Suddenly my… brother like person ran and started doing a haka. All of a sudden there was a loud bang and my brother fell to the ground. When he did I was mistakenly dropped into the water and sank to the bottom of the reef. I spent day and night watching as the waves got bigger. One day a HUMONGOUS wave struck the land and carried me all the way to New Zealand. Trust me you don't want to know where I landed.
... FINE! I landed in a pile of cow patty right next to the Auckland Museum. I was found by one of the coworkers and taken in to see if I was valuable. I was recognized as the young toa who died… don't ask me why. I was then kept in the museum until finally set into a package and sent to St Pius x School which was exciting. When I arrived it took room 5 4 weeks until finally I was taken out by a handsome young… sporty kid Amihuti